After two years interruption due to COVID 19, we were able to take a team into a Colorado correctional facility, and to a federal prison on December 11th and 12th!! The doors have opened up for us in Cañon City and Florence at the Colorado Territorial Correctional Facility and the Federal Prison, respectively.
The connection in Florence is interesting. Chaplain Steven Satterfield is a long time friend - David Boyd and he met through the Vineyard Church in Fort Collins over twenty years ago. While David was in Austria planting a church, Steven was in Germany as an Army chaplain and tried to arrange a ministry visit to Germany, but it never was possible. Now he is a chaplain at the Federal prison and after learning that we were going to be in Cañon City he reached out to see if we could come to Florence (it is only about ten miles away from Cañon City).
Blues Behind Bars took a full team into the Territorial Prison (which, by the way, was established in 1871 and is the oldest prison in Colorado) and did two concerts for inmates from different housing areas. There has been very positive feedback from the inmates and we are seeking a return date, which is on hold for another COVID shut down, which we feel will not last as long as the previous shut down.
David brought a Christmas message of an unusual type based on Revelation 12, a chapter that looks at the life of Christ from a heavenly perspective as an event that is part of a conflict in the heavenly realm. The message concluded with a call to be part of the advance of the Kingdom of God, which is an important aspect of what salvation in Christ is all about. In other words, we become ambassadors and co-laborers with Christ in his mission to destroy the works of the Devil and bring restoration to people around us. Around forty or fifty of the men responded with a yes as we prayed with them!!
Pray with us that the doors will open again soon!!!
